# ALTER Command
ALTER EXTRACT EXT_SR, BEGIN NOW Instructs extract to start processing
ALTER EXTRACT EXT_SR, BEGIN 20241009 Instructs extract to start processing from specific date
ALTER EXTRACT EXT_SR, ETROLLOVER Extract rolls over to next trail file
ALTER EXTRACT EXT_SR, EXTSEQNO 3, EXTRBA 1056 Alters extract to start from the specific locaton in the trail
ALTER EXTRACT EXT_SR, THREAD 4, BEGIN 20241009 Alters extract thread & start date for RAC
ALTER REPLICAT REPL_TR1, BEGIN NOW Alter replicat to start processing from now
ALTER REPLICAT REPL_TR1, BEGIN 20241009 Alter replicat to start processing from specific date
ALTER REPLICAT REPL_TR1, BEGIN 20241009 10:00:10 Alter replicat to start processing from specific date and time
ALTER REPLICAT REPL_TR1, EXTSEQNO 8 Alter replicat to start from the specific trail file
ALTER REPLICAT REPL_TR1, EXTRBA 254998 Alter replicat to start from the specific location in the trail
ALTER EXTTRAIL ./DIRDAT/SE, EXTRACT EXT_SR, MEGABYTES 50 It is used to change the options of the existing EXTTRAIL file for extract process on local system
ALTER RMTTRAIL ./DIRDAT/TE, EXTRACT PXT_SR, MEGABYTES 50 It is used to change the options of the existing RMTTRAIL file of extract or pump processes on remote systems
# CLEANUP Command
CLEANUP EXTRACT EXT_SR It purges all history of records except last
CLEANUP EXTRACT EXT_SR, SAVE 10 It saves last 10 records and deletes all other
CLEANUP REPLICAT REPL_TR1 It purges all history of records except last
CLEANUP REPLICAT REPL_TR1, SAVE 10 It saves last 10 records and deletes all other
# DELETE Command
DELETE EXTRACT EXT_SR Deletes the extract process
DELETE EXTRACT e* Deletes all extract process whose name starts with e
DELETE EXTRACT e* ! Deletes all extract process whose name starts with e without prompting
DELETE REPLICAT REPL_TR1 Deletes the replicat process
DELETE EXTRACT r* Deletes all replicat process whose name starts with r
DELETE EXTRACT r* ! Deletes all replicat process whose name starts with r without prompting
DELETE EXTTRAIL /u01/app/OGGH/DIRDAT/SE It is used to delete the exttrail assigned to the extract on local system
DELETE RMTTRAIL /u01/app/OGGH/DIRDAT/TE It is used to delete the exttrail for the extract or pump on remote system
# INFO Command
INFO EXTRACT EXT_SR, SHOWCH Display checkpoint info of extract
INFO EXTRACT EXT_SR, DETAIL Display trail info, run history
INFO EXTRACT EXT_SR, TASKS Display extract tasks
INFO REPLICAT *, TASKS It is used to display replicat tasks only.
INFO REPLICAT REPL_TR1 It is used to display the information of replicat.
INFO REPLICAT REPL_TR1, DETAIL It display the detailed information of replicat.
INFO REPLICAT REPL_TR1, SHOWCH It displays the checkpoint table information, from checkpoint file and checkpoint table.
# KILL Command
KILL ER * To kill all of the process
# LAG Command
LAG EXTRACT EXT_SR To find lag for extract EXT_SR”
LAG EXTRACT * To find lag for all of the extract processes
LAG REPLICAT REPL_TR1 To find lag for replicat “REPL_TR1”
LAG REPLICAT * To find lag for all of the replicat processes
LAG ER * To get lag info of all the process
# REGISTER Command
# SEND Command
SEND EXTRACT SRC_EXT1, ROLLOVER To increment the extract to next file in trail
SEND EXTRACT SRC_EXT1, STOP To stop the extract process
SEND EXTRACT SRC_EXT1, TRANLOGOPTIONS TRANSCLEANUPFREQUENCY 20 For the Oracle RAC, specify the time after which the OGG scan and delete the orphan transactions
SEND EXTRACT SRC_EXT1, SKIPTRANS 1.11.1111 THREAD 2 For skipping the transaction in the Oracle RAC environment
SEND EXTRACT EXT_SR, SHOWTRANS Display the info about the open transactions like checkpoint, extract group name, SCN, Redo log and RB, status etc
SEND EXTRACT EXT_SR, SHOWTRANS COUNT 2 Display the info for two transactions only
SEND REPLICAT REPL_TR1, HANDLECOLLISIONS Enable the handlecollisions option of OGG used for error handling
SEND REPLICAT REPL_TR1, REPORT HANDLECOLLISIONS r_* Generate statical report to replicat report file
SEND REPLICAT REPL_TR1, GETLAG Get the lag info in seconds
SEND ER * To use send command on all of the process
SEND EXTRACT SRC_EXT1, BR BRCHECKPOINT IMMEDIATE This command forces a BR checkpoint after skipping any old running transactions
# START Command
START REPLICAT REPL_TR1, ATCSN 2549980 To start the replicat process from the oraclespecific CSN number including the CSN no transaction
START REPLICAT REPL_TR1, AFTERCSN 25472359 To start the replicat process from the oraclespecific CSN number, but ignoring that CSN no transaction
START ER * To start all of the process
# STATS Command
STATS EXTRACT EXT_SR Stats will be displayed for the extract EXT_SR””
STATS EXTRACT EXT_SR REPORTRATE SEC Display the stats for the fetch operations per sec
STATS EXTRACT EXT_SR, TOTAL, DAILY The total stats is shown since the start of the day
STATS EXTRACT EXT_SR, TOTAL, HOURLY, REPORTRATE MIN, By using comma between the keywords multiple options can be used for the stats command
STATS REPLICAT REPL_TR1 Stats will be displayed for the REPLICAT REPL_TR1””
STATS REPLICAT REPL_TR1 REPORTDETAIL SEC Display the stats for the opertaion that were not replicated due to errors
STATS REPLICAT REPL_TR1, TOTALSONLY *.* Total of all transactions since start
STATS REPLICAT REPL_TR1, TOTAL, DAILY The total stats is shown since the start of the day
STATS REPLICAT REPL_TR1, TOTAL, HOURLY, REPORTRATE MIN, By using comma between the keywords multiple options can be used for the stats command
STATS ER * To check the stats all of the process
# STATUS Command
STATUS EXTRACT EXT_SR To check the status for extract EXT_SR”
STATUS EXTRACT e* To check the status for all extracts starting with “e”
STATUS REPLICAT REPL_TR1 To check the status for replicat “REPL_TR1”
STATUS REPLICAT r* To check the status for all replicat starting with “r”
STATUS ER * To find status of all the process
# STOP Command
STOP EXTRACT EXT_SR To stop the extract EXT_SR”
STOP EXTRACT e* To stop all of the running extract process whose name start with “e”
STOP EXTRACT * To stop all of the running extract processes
STOP REPLICAT REPL_TR1 To stop the replicat “REPL_TR1”
STOP REPLICAT r* To stop all of the running replicat process whose name start with “r”
STOP REPLICAT * To stop all of the running replicat processes
STOP ER * To stop all of the process